Originally Posted by
Look at a guide or something on solomid or lolpro to learn how to buy runes for certain roles. Your runes are crazy, and probably making it harder for you to win games.
For example:
My AD page = 9 AD Marks, 9 Armor Seals, 9 MR Glyphs, and 3 AD Quints
My AP page = 9 MPen Marks, 9 MRegen Seals, 9 MR Glyphs, and 3 AP Quints
You should also note that even tho the stat gien by runes/masteries seem insignificant they do add up to over 3000G, if choosen right.
Yep, you basicly start with extra 3000 Gold in every single game if you have right runes
Playing with "No defensive stats" pages in normals is okay, even I do that every now and then when I want to fuck things up (Some people might remember my Pure AD/manaregen Kha, shit was rad!) . But using those pages in rankeds is a no-no. Hell, I have 4 different runepages and two mastery pages for Vayne alone, depending on who I'm agaisnt in lane.
And atm I can't even play my favorite support, Sona because I lack even decent runepage for her.... Going to botlane with her 9 (+ runes and masteries) armor, you're just a walking free blood, even if the other support is a passive support, such as Janna.
I actually played a ranked game with "I main supports Sona" who had 9 armor, against Tresh + MF. They literally three shot her. AA + Q from MF and AA from Thresh... And we all know how well MF and Tresh snowball...
Edit: Added the
Last edited by Dargon; Apr 11, 2013 at 09:58 PM.