Hello! My name is Robert, I born in the day of 31/12/1998 (18 years old) in Community of Madrid, Madrid, Spain (GMT +1/+2) and currently live there too. And since I really do want to join Electric I decided to apply again, now I'll try even harder then I've done in the past.
Let's talk about my Toribash career. I've started with an account that I don't really remember the name (do think that it was TANAN or any weird name) and I don't got any skills until I created this account and ironically my first 3k was in the account "Tanan45" where I lost it by a while cause I had a virus on my computer and I had to formatting it, so I lost my nickname until one day I was messing with tc transfer page and I wrote "Tanan" and found the account, then I logged into it and transferred every single thing that was on it to this account. I remember that the first thing I've done with that TC was buying a 128x128 head texture. Now continuing, one day I remembered that I've searched "toribash" on youtube and I found some youtube moves and with that I starting evolving them to get to my current level (which isn't that elevated in my opinion). And after it I started using forums a lot, I started knowing more and more people, and one million of etcs.
My last 3 clans was, [MM] Mente Maestra which I was leader for a good while, [Nitro] Nitro didn't felt so comfortable and also got invited by Martin to comeback, [MM] Mente Maestra got kicked by KAMEKICHE since I fight with him and [e] Electric I left because I wanted to be part of the (MM) revolution and also 'cause the members was asking me a lot, but I only came back when Jenson invited me to do it.
Now, let's talk about me, why I should be accepted, why I'm applying, why I left in the past and why I should be taken seriously. I consider myself as a normal guy, but, I do really think I'm mature and prepared enough to join Electric without any inconvenient, but that's something that only you guys can say with 100% of accuracy. I should be accepted since I got a good relation with Electric in my opinion, I have left Electric in the past because I needed to be part of the MM revolution and I did it that well that I was one of the last members to quit before Spart4ge declare MM's death. I'm someone that really want to be part of Electric, to be part of this family, I'm not the kind of person that take clans as a joke. And also I applying again is another sign that I'm really serious to join. That's why you should take and consider me as someone that is serious about joining Electric.
So yeah, that was it. My Skype is live:Tanan7u7. I do apologize for not posting it in the last app but I though it wasn't necessary since you guys already have me in the Electric's Skype group and the Skype group is inactive. Goodbye. And remember to be
Last edited by TananPro; Apr 4, 2016 at 09:57 PM.
Reason: Fixed one error.