Originally Posted by
I'd actually infract myself for lack of proof reading (if I just could ), because I was gonna add "and masteries" there. (Which I DID state in that first sentence!)
Which throws another ~1000G for default pages and some more for specialized.
Yep, I was exaggerating slightly.
inb4 ye good ole j4nd0 proves me wrong again.
I'd added the posts j4nd0 is propably gonna quote, but cba, because mobile devices suck. ;_;
You did a pretty good estimation on the mastery cost, it's even better because I don't need to do any calculations cause
I found this.
Originally Posted by
With which champions would you run those runes and expect to be able to win lane? Nobody that I have uses 3 AD quints with the possible exception of vi and riven. If you were to use that runepage as an AD carry you will lose every trade and lose every lane unless your jungler/support does something spectacular.
Because I'm lazy, I just use my standard 4 rune pages that consist of:
AD reds or Mpen reds
Flat Armor yellows
MR/lvl or flat armor blues
AD quints or AP quints
I have specialized runes for Nasus which include 3 pages because I main him, but apart from that I just have standard rune pages that pretty much fit anyone. Nothing special like Lifesteal quints (even though I know pros do LS quints w/ Doran's blade first item) since I don't like playing AD carries. I also only make specialized rune pages when I do want to main a champion, so yea if I did play AD carries I would make something better then the standard for certain matchups.
Originally Posted by
That's pretty much the standard AD Carry page to be honest. I prefer MR per level though.
I choose the flat mr against heavy "early" magic damage supports like Sona and Lulu, and AD champs who have early burst magic damage abilities like Corki.
Originally Posted by
EDIT: i'm thinking about stooping down to maining teemo top to get out of bronze. Pretty much every blonze players has no clue how to beat him. Just poke, poke, poke, if they all in you, fucking run and repeat. And you have like 100+ more farm.
This is basically the first step in climbing the ladder, pick a strong laner, main the champion and just win lane. I say good luck to you.