Special ingame actions: Flipping, sparring, meh, ALL of the -30's
Are you forum active: Yes, and I know I shold have like 360 posts, but I recently (Like 2 months ago) Got forum active, so yeah. Now I post everyday.
Are you ingame active: 100%! ....Meaning YES, TOTALLY.
What is your favorite/best mod?: Sparring. F*** yeah.
Why should we pick you?: Because I am beast at aikido, sparring, and very active both ingame and on forums.
Belt: Black, but I'm very good, I think
Age: 10, but people say I act much more mature than that.
Bans or infractions: 0 bans, and I've gotten infracted for backseat moderating, and useless posts. The useless post thing was back in like December, when I wanted to get my posts up...but now I post useful, logical things.
Previous clans: Inner Calm Outer Fury.
Do you make any art or videos?: I don't know any good art programs, so no, and I have an iMac so I don't know any game recorders.
Anything else we should know? Not that I can think if atm.
Oh, and this is just an fyi; In shuDOKEN, I ran all silly because the gravity wasn't -30.00.