well known clan and everyone is active
can bring a good judo member
best mod Judo.tbm
age 17
old clan was killed because lack of participation
[Fallen Angels]
Wow this clan is getting pretty will know Iraw I am looking over your application and gamer card I will decide if you are in.STay in touch so you can see what my answer gonna be
lol ponoz u look mad. I take seriuz pics 2 some tymz.

P.S.-If any of u masturbate to these...Ima get chuck norris 2 find u and round house kick u in the nuts 12 times for screaming and over 9,000 times for masturb8ing
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Last edited by MIMZ360; Apr 6, 2010 at 11:22 PM.
I'm gonna be on Vacation for the next few days so i probaly won't be on much but i will be bring my laptop so i will be on forums hopefully
Originally Posted by mincotsu
quit [BlackMagic] dying fast for unknown reasons
about a 6 i guess
I may not have any or much power in clan anymore but i'd say no to your application XD
Last edited by Ponzo; Apr 6, 2010 at 07:22 AM.