Secret Santa 2024

Mid air Decap.rpl

sick flips bro.rpl
If i do get into clan I will guarantee more forum activity. Just havn't had the need to yet.
Last edited by jmo1999; Sep 12, 2015 at 05:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I say no. Your app is plain and it does not look like you've made much of an effort, hence you don't seem motivated enough for me.
Hello members of Hunters,

Age: I'm 20 years old.

Belt (if you've yet to reach black belt, you will have to really impress us): I am a 4th dan blackbelt.

How happy are you with your level of skill in the game? : Well, I'm not entirely happy and in my honest opinion I don't think i should be.
I'm trying to improve as much as possible in different ways, of course skill-wise but style-wise too.
I feel like if i would be happy with the skill level I'm at right now, I wouldnt want to push myself into practising and improving even more.

Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(explain as best as you possibly can):
I have been looking around or even searching for a clan to settle down with, I feel like i would improve most in a mature and stable environment and I feel like [Hunters] has what i'm looking for. I have played and talked with members (mostly Furryprints) and it has been a pleasure doing so.

Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : Furryprints has recommended me.

Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? I have read Big book of Hunters, I do accept and agree to follow them if accepted.

Your Favorite Official Mod to play: I truly love AikidoBigDojo.

Things you are skilled at: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making. Can include anything else in which you're better than average) : Music, Music and Music.
Music production and Instruments are a big part of my life and I'm pretty skilled at.
At least that's what i like to think.

Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 examples would be nice) : There is a Drum n' Bass album in the making, I can post it when it's released if u are interested.

Previous Clans(if any): [Nitro], (Toxic) and maybe some names I can't recall.

Favorite Forum(if any) : I love checking out Textures and seeing how some people can be amazingly creative.

Toribash organizations affiliated with(if any) : I never really tried to get into any.

Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( if you're in a clan with another account, we can't let you in our clan with any account) : I do have an alt I used to be able to play with my ex girlfriend, It is named Ksiba. it's not in a clan.

Country/Location: I live in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I'm online at night so I will be seeing most of you online.

Level of forum activity(Important!) : Right now I only look on the forums, I like to get lost in links. I'm not "active" because I have no reason to be. If I get accepted in a clan I will have a reason to be, obviously, so i will be.

Number of Infractions(if any) : I have one infraction which is invalid, it has been reversed(It was a mistake by that GM).

My apologies if I made my application too long but I find it rather hard to stop typing when I'm writing such things.
I hope to hear from you guys soon.
Seen the person ingame and talked with'em, seems mature enough, and decent skills so far ingame. Just minor grammar mistakes, but that's just me being nit-picky. What about the replays, feller?
Mhm, I actually have never saved any replays at all. I might have saved some in the beginning but those vanished with an update. Is there a way to show you in a different way?

Sorry about the grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
The app was quite interesting to read. Guess the only way to show your skills without posting replays would be to play with us. But since most members aren't really active atm I doubt that you'd meet anyone beside the guys you already know.

However, from what I've read in your application, I think that you'd actually fit in this clan quite well and your English is definitely good enough.
So because of those things in combination with the stuff Furry said, I'll give you a yes.


Originally Posted by toxicpants View Post
Things you are skilled at: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making. Can include anything else in which you're better than average) : Music, Music and Music.
Music production and Instruments are a big part of my life and I'm pretty skilled at.
At least that's what i like to think.

Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 examples would be nice) : There is a Drum n' Bass album in the making, I can post it when it's released if u are interested.

Pitch approves of this hobby (I also love making music)
Last edited by Pitch; Oct 23, 2015 at 09:16 PM.
Yes yes yes yes yes! I approve of toxic's application :3.
RSO Teacher|Hunters| ThePitcher ~ 2pro4you ~ Jisse ~ Vsauce ~ Fantyful ~ Tamakku ~ Love and hate you all, guys :).
Well, since it seems like every member that was recently online (meaning less than 5 days since last visiting the forums) voted, we have decided to send you an invite.