Age: 15
Name: tritrio
Belt: black
Previous Clans: Olympus,Doctors (Dr),Galaxy,Mavrik,Phoenix (RXP) and warrior monks (WM)
Infraction(s): none
Ban(s): none
Alt(s): none
Tell us about yourself: im a french Canadian guy, i like to biking (downhill) and i like to play video games
Why do you want to be a Marine?: beacaus a lot my toribash friends are in the clan (goldmane11, noel12344 and MRpanda17) and my clan (WM) is dying =c
Who requested you to join(If anyone did): goldmane11 and noel12344
Do you have a skype?: yes tristana1998
What can you bring to the Marines?: a good toribash player
Forum activity1-10): 5
Ingame activity1-10): 8
Do you accept our Oath?:I, tritrio understand that I am joining the Toribash Marines. I will obey my fellow members with higher authority over me. I understand that if I lose, I will be polite and say GG. I understand that if I have any problems that will make me inactive, I will PM a Major or General of the Marines. I am not a clan hopper, and will stay loyal to the Marines. I will fight at all cost and will not show no attitude toward any member in the Marines.