Made myself a simple lucky star avvy/siggy combo.

I literally didn't do anythign to them besides crop them, but I liek them :3
Originally Posted by Frettchen
Hi aika,

kennst du irgentseinen art fag der ein gutes clan pic machen kann wenn ja schlag mir mal einen vor ;b

Wir sind bald 1 jahr alt und ich will meinen clan ein kleines geschenk machen ^^

Originally Posted by Frettchen
Ich denke mal ich zahle genug ^^ hab ja noch zeit

> if someone wants to make a clanpicture for that guy, pm him. he will pay something too
I'm making a new vid... this is a little Beta because I wanna know what people think about it so far.
So gogo, watch 'n' comment :3

Click 'n' shit.
Honestly, I don't think the music fits for toribash. And intro is DEFINITELY too long. Intros should be like 20 seconds long at most, unless they are some actual productive toribash stuff like dancing.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos