Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
They're are a few circling the house we think. We can't leave.

Well She Wants To Rp, Im Still Haveign My Gaurd Upp, Just Ask What They Want.

They are clearly Changelings. They won't answer us when we tell them to go away and they all have the blue eyes.
Leader of nothing
Applejackk, it might be hard to understand when read at this point of the conversation...

Flux watch out. They are such tricky creatures.
Originally Posted by Applejackk View Post
wait whats going on something is circling your house? o.o call 911 maybe?

No Phones Silly
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
They are clearly Changelings. They won't answer us when we tell them to go away and they all have the blue eyes.

Hmh Well Okey

@Godly: Can you get her to call them off again, I don't know what we will do when Luna goes on duty :c
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
@Godly: Can you get her to call them off again, I don't know what we will do when Luna goes on duty :c

She wants Tavia... You Should try gettign Tia...