You can't really blame your loss on a blitzcrank, like purangel was saying. He may have been feeding, but blitzcrank is a support class, and probably wasn't worth much gold after a while. Also, yes, there are times when you will lose based on your teammates feeding, but I tend to blame myself more often than anyone else. That's the way I think, at least.
I just had a really weird glitch in a game that I just finished now. I was level 15 I think, but then I briefly lost connection and was level 1 again, and I could not use any of my abilities or select any to level up. Shit was whack yo.
Can someone please tell me what the smeg has happened?
Did anyone else watch the Best Riven NA tourney?
Pretty interesting seeing some top players getting taken down, especially by the less popular ones.
Also, riven was a really good champ for this, low cds, high mobility, building diversity, etc.
The same thing actually happened to me once, but the level got straight back to what it was after a couple of minutes, sure it didn't in your case?
Anyway, what the hell are you doing playing with that engrace guy, he's horrible! Love you too chuck
And I added you by the way, Eisme is the summoner name.
Don't know if any of you are watching the LCS Qualifier tournament that is currently going on. Here you go, it's hilarious. Any time a fight breaks out, one of the players from SNS screams like his foot has been run over by a van.
It never fixed, we got our asses handed to us that game so the game only lasted for another 3 or so minutes after the glitch happened. We'll play some games soon, I'm currently watching the Summer Promotion, rooting for the most brilliantly named team in the world to take it all. Go Samurai in Jeans!
That grin.
And so guys, I've been saying some Ap Tryndameres. What's up with that? I know it's very op but why not Ad than Ap?
Also, I found dead killer whale