Christmas Lottery
I would like to do the sales, since i need to be more busy, and this gives me something to check.

Ontop of all of that i want to do something for the clan.
I would like to suggest canceling the video comp. I think we all know it's pretty much been a total bust. It's been a really long time since that comp opened up and the only actual entrant so far is noomy. And while it's a nice video on its own, it didn't really follow any of the rules for the competition and only showed very few of our members...

So I say we just cancel the thing and pay somebody outright to make it for us. I'll recompile the replays for it. That will give people a chance to get their newer, better stuff into the video and the newer members will be included too (the clan has changed a lot since the comp went up, the list of members in the comp vid is obsolete now)
My shop

I wanted to do this back in January, but Dillon is just WAY to lenient about alot of things. I was just gonna pay buster to make it but Dill insisted on continuing it.

Im with you parker

Noomy if you like, We can reprimand you for your work?
I totaly agree with both of you. If we are going to pay someone directly I recomend marco, buster, warcry or moop (if he is still making videos).
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.
just so you know mobi (and cuz it's funny), reprimand means "punish" lol

Last edited by Parker1287; Apr 19, 2010 at 09:59 AM.
My shop
yup i agree with baygonn ,some of this four videomakers could make cool video for us but we need to persuade them:> BTW now we have much better replays i think ,so its good idea.
I Just remembered that I talked to marco about two months ago about the video competition and he said that he doesnt have time because of school, parties and stuff.
So my guess is that he wont do it.
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.