Text - GirAndZim (if the font makes it hard to read, choose whatever you want)
Font - Planet Benson
Extras - Rounded Border
Pose - http://s000.tinyupload.com/download....31872668131385
when i wrap this image in [IMG] things it does nothing... why can everyone else post screenshot pictures and not me? =(
damn ur cool givin away free avvys. can i have one?
i'll donate 500tc. i know its not much but wateva works?
well me with a katana in any cool fighting pose with a black and bluebackround. if the backround was swirly with a lliquiddy effect it would be nice and my name in a very jagged, pointy, evilish font. (whichever font you want) thanks and tc sent.
if you dont have shaders i could post a pic of me with a pose. thanks
Text - Just put Naturalist at the bottom of the picture like its labeling it, not to small so no1 can see but not to big so it doesnt covor the picture.
Font - The text from feroz's avatar EDIT: I can see the fonts now they were not working before, so how about this one, http://www.dafont.com/nadall.font
Extras - If possible, a grey background with grey buildings in the background (like scyscrapers) outlined in black to stand out from the rest of background
Pose - A flying kick kinda like this http://www.killernotebooks.com/images/flying_kick.gif
BTW: I want an avatar not a sig, im sure you knew that but just making sure.
Ill just toss you 100tc (its all I have) once I either get the avatar or hear word of it in progress but I don't even know if you look at this post anymore or something.
Very nice of you =D
Text: Tilted and bottom left (tilted with left side up and right side down). Make it "xInfern0x" ( my username, cap "o" is a ZERO)
Font: http://www.dafont.com/head-injuries.font
Extras: NONE
Pose: It'd be cool if you could get a quick one for me, just make it look cool and i'll be happy. I would get one but im bad at taking pics xD
Ill donate once you finish =D
Pose: It'd be cool if you could get a quick one for me, just make it look cool and i'll be happy. I would get one but im bad at taking pics xD