Awesome, should've made it SPAFT then.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
That's cool! ;b
What does he do?
Last edited by mWah; Nov 22, 2009 at 03:17 AM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Poetry bitches! Word. Right after I got done beating up ten dudes and having sex with lots of chicks and drinkin mad jager bombs, I wrote these poems with a char named Deady, but that dont make me queer or nothin! Poems are for real men, word! Now Ima go do some push ups and eat three steaks before I go comit some random violence and crime.

On another note

Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
I looked at my keyboard and it said werty.
so I made Wertyterty and then Tertywerty cuase I couldn't think of anything else :v

Fucking awesome, I always thought it was pokemon related.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by White_Roses View Post
White is my favorite color,and Roses because my girlfriend loves Roses

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by White_Roses View Post
White is my favorite color,and Roses because my girlfriend loves Roses

Double aww ;-;
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
At first, my nickname for things started off as Buddhistdog.
My friends and I had started this thing, basically consisting of online names with a
religion, and then an animal. The first of these was "Jewishcat".
I'm the only one who kept Buddhistdog.
Later, we started adding adjectives onto these old names,
"Jewishcat" became "Suave Jewishcat".
I became...
"Zen Buddhistdog"
Sometimes, due to character limits on logins,
I just shorten it to ZenBDog.
I decided to use ZenBDog instead of ZenBuddhistdog for Toribash on a whim.

I've stuck the name onto virtually every online account I have, from my Gmail, MSN, and Toribash, to my Quia for spanish classes.
I like it, and feel that it flows fairly well for a random, nonsensical name.
I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out some epic backstory behind the Zen Buddhist Dog, but to no avail. Everything seems to end with a large fat dog sitting around a temple.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them