not to mention the point I already presented a long time ago: It doesn't require womanhood, estrogen, female genitals or anything else men can't have to be a sufficient mother, or for the nitpickers, to execute the role that the mother of a child usually does.
a big brother can act basically as a mother to his orphaned siblings just as well as a big sister. Or, I'm not denying the possibility, a younger sibling, especially if the eldest ones are mentally handicapped or jerks.
So why not a man who, instead of being forced to look after children that happen to be his close kin, chooses to nurture a child they choose to consider family?
And, as said, gay couples will have to fit just as high standards as heterosexual couples, probable child molesters wouldn't be able to adopt, be they gay or straight.
Hell, are you people idiots or something? Why can't things concerning homosexuality be debated on fair grounds instead of the other party's points being conveniently disregarded?