The only reason i even posted the First huge chunk of that was because you said "bliss is in ignorance" I was just making sure you didn't exclude yourself, because of the chronological order that you placed that comment, it had seemed that you maybe had?
But that still leaves the Lower third of my original post that remains unanswered or commented upon:...Perhaps you too could entertain the thought of the opposition?
For all you know "God" could really be created by the devil to upkeep an illusion created by "The Devil"
This question has been asked billions of times... and I KNOW its off topic but...NO ONE WILL ANSWER...
"Why does there HAVE to have been a "God" to have made all that we know?"
I really don't understand how you can say that "God" does in fact exist 100% when all the means to tell whether or not "God" exists are completely outside of the realm of human comprehension...
What would a being of such even look like, and how exactly would anyone know that this "God" even made us in their own image at all?
If "God" made us in HIS image... Why are we not all knowing and omnipotent beings bound by time and space itself...And why isn't he an emotional sack of flesh and bone?...
And this was actually ment to be a debate discussing the logical problems of "God":Pertaining to Christianity
(Those last few are a bit of rant-like/pointless, but they are honest questions...)
Science fags tend to be more pious, stubborn, arrogant, and close-minded than religious fags.
And there is bliss in ignorance. Most Christians (or anybody with a religion) will live much happier lives than atheists and agnostics. Sure, maybe their happiness is illogical, maybe they're just fooling themselves, but the point is they're happy. Whether that's all for nothing is beside the point. Intelligence is a huge burden. I would love to waltz off to church every Sunday believing with my whole heart that there is a God and that Darwin was a cockface, but I can't fool myself like that- wanting to believe in something isn't enough if you know about contradicting theories and evidence.
But at least science fags don't pretend to know the orgin of the universe. They only give possible explinations while knowing that there is not enough evidence to support their theories.
First of all, I think you are confusing terms; omnipotence means unlimited power. The word you are looking for is omnipresence.
That aside, your paragraph hasn't answered my question or offered any viable solution. I am a separate entity from this hypothetical omnipresent god - i have a mind of my own. Moreover, if it's the biblical god we are talking about - I supposedly have responsibilities to him, that alone means we are separate. Neither do I see how our lack of experience with "timelessness" (if such a thing exists) helps the free will defense. Perhaps if i take some shrooms...
Wait what?
Did you just say that the fact that we can't get "outside of time" is somehow the strongest point for existence of god? :|
Let me as you this: why do you think god is necessary?
I didn't choose to not believe in god.
I am not one to support gnosticism - I have said numerous times in this thread that i am well aware that neither presence nor absence of god can be scientifically proven as long as he stays as dormant as he is now (assuming he exists).
However, I think a claim must meet a high standard of evidence to be anywhere near as influential to our lives as the claim of biblical god. People vote based on how religious a candidate is, and build their lives and outlooks on social issues around these canonical books.
Well, he is omniscient, no?
He just knows everything, thus all his actions are "shaped" by his will one way or another. One thing an omnipotent god can't do is gamble. If i throw a dice, i wouldn't know what I will get. God would, even if he did the throwing.
I don't think I need to have experienced "timelessness" (what the hell does that mean anyway) - all i need to do is read the bible and see God act in history. Any act requires time to take place in.
Science fags tend to be more pious, stubborn, arrogant, and close-minded than religious fags.
Citation needed. Although, in some respect I agree. Scientists aren't particularly closed minded (Einstein did not reject the idea of a creator and I think Newton believed in god, for example) and a lot of what scientists do is about being open-minded. It's generally the stupid ones who are closed-minded.
Speaking from personal experience I disagree. Maybe I just know a lot of cool Christians and a lot of apathetic atheists (double alliteration \o/) but I've always noticed that, in SOME cases, religion gives people a sense of satisfaction/fulfillment.
Outlooks just develop in you as you experience the world, and you can't censor them.
Plenty of science fags will run the big bang model into the ground, proclaiming it as though it is most certainly the origin of the universe. What science fags do pretend to know is that somehow the universe was not the product of a benevolent creator or "god". Again, this is generally the stupid ones who consider themselves "intellectual".
Heck, some people will even claim that evolution is most certainly the origin of species today (particularly human beings) even though it is not fact. There is actually a missing link in the evolution of human beings, which is quite famous and I am sure many people know about. I am certainly a believer though, but am open minded to other possibilities. I also think that non-believers are fools