Originally Posted by AHD View Post
Would you mind posting your gamertag here? I'll send you an invite^^

The Pure Boss.

Probably the only gamertag on xbox that's spelled properly.
Everybody add me with a message saying you're from tb. My GT is SigmaHiVoltage
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
I dont know about reach i went over to my friends house one day and played it with him and a couple other guys and didnt really like it. I did however play black ops(not to cause a fight) and thought that was awesome. i did however like the skills that you could get in multiplayer, jetpack, camo, that agility thing where you did the big jump at your oponent (my favorite), and shields thought they were a cool feature
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Halo Reach: you have to aim. Bad thing is the crappy maps.
Blackops: MW2 but worse gameplay and variation. SPRAY N PRAY.
Originally Posted by Reekondub View Post
The Pure Boss.

Probably the only gamertag on xbox that's spelled properly.

Hate people with shit spelling/numbers in online nicks.

Originally Posted by floop78 View Post
I dont know about reach i went over to my friends house one day and played it with him and a couple other guys and didnt really like it. I did however play black ops(not to cause a fight) and thought that was awesome. i did however like the skills that you could get in multiplayer, jetpack, camo, that agility thing where you did the big jump at your oponent (my favorite), and shields thought they were a cool feature

Started playing Black Ops myself, went back to Reach and was like "wtfhax".

Originally Posted by Reekondub View Post
Halo Reach: you have to aim. Bad thing is the crappy maps.
Blackops: MW2 but worse gameplay and variation. SPRAY N PRAY.

I've only played Black Ops in the CoD range. Is MW2 better?

Sorry for off topic.
why does everyone love halo so much?
it's the same fps as all the others, bungie just makes the average gamer believe it comes from a magical place
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
why does everyone love halo so much?
it's the same fps as all the others, bungie just makes the average gamer believe it comes from a magical place

I have to correct you there.

The halo series:
-you fight aliens and there are alien weapons

All the generic war-fps trash:
-overpowered contrast
-same shit every few months (hurr homefront, hurr bfbc, hurr Cod)

You can call me a fanboy. I take it as a compliment.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''