Got this game recently on PC and am enjoying the multiplayer. The campaign however was too much like CoD's campaigns in my opinion, and I didn't enjoy it very much (specifically the invincible troops rushing the tank and all the QTEs).
Haven't done a lot on multiplayer, but i'm focusing mostly on Engineer class mostly because I like having an anti-tank weapon on hand just in case one comes rolling round a corner out of nowhere. Was pretty much stuck with the old 870 shotgun for a while because it's the only weapon I could fire effectively from the hip (note: I hate having to scope to shoot things - old habits from Quake and such). However now i've moved on to the SCAR-H and am trying to make use of it.
If anyone feels like adding me on that bullshit Origin program, my ID is DJfunkybeats.
(That's because it wouldn't let me use 4 or 5 letter names - this is my repository name for things which I don't particularly like signing up for.)