Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by gamekid View Post
oh, now youre trying to prove youre not trying to prove anything...if he knew so, the sky WAS another body of water, and about those figs, dont make a mountain out of a molehill *cough cough* i mean medaphore. now get out, youre starting to ruin the disscussion.

I know this quote is really old, but maybe you should get out. You are ruining this discussion with your closed mindedness.
Well as stated before I would guess there are people who see Satan as a rebel and a figure that stands for many of the earthly desires people have. I personally do not recall ever meeting anyone who said Satan is cool though.

Oracle: There are people who do not believe Satan was an angel. They maintain that the word 'Lucifer' is not even featured in the bible. I'm a bit lazy so I'll just direct you to the wikipedia page if you want to have a look at the different perspectives and the reasons behind them:
He's not cool, and yet many celebrities worship him.
Like Katy Perry, Kanye West, Lebron James, Lady Gaga (Obviously), and unbelievably, Michael Jackson's early career.
Michael Jackson fights him with his music videos and I believe he is a Muslim.
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