*indicates what you have to fill
out. I expect you, the applicant,
to erase all asterisks and say [I'm
a purple duck] brackets and all,
to show you have read all of the
*indicates what you have to fill
out. I expect you, the applicant,
to erase all asterisks and say [I'm
a purple duck] brackets and all,
to show you have read all of the
Age: 12
Picture Of Yourself**:
Belt: Blue
Why Do You Want To Join Pure?:I thought this was a good clan over viewing it and it seems like a good vibe is with this clan And also this is my very first try wanting to join a clan
Were You Invited? Who Invited You?:No one
Other***:I am okay at akiado, and judo
Include 2 replays or more:lol.rplWTF.rplwooyeah buddy.rpllucklucky.rpl
If you are reading this then I think that right now the
the word "the" has been repeated two times :P