Not quite.
He was banned about 6 months ago or more for posting porn.
Suddenly they unbanned him then Vox refused to show mercy and banned him again.
If he had hes main account, he wouldn't apply for us.
I'm pretty sure about that.
Hey guys.
I'm God as you all know by now(I'm just making that clear,not braging)
I'm actually Intorested in joining this clan.(Joining when The God Account gets unbanned aswell)
Great members.Examples:Slanesh,Aitor,Ico0n and I can go on.
I would follow the aplication format but since I was a member of Slanesh's and Ico0n's old clan,I think they will forgive least you would have my yes
Hope I get in thanks .
Always welcome my friend.
I think we should close the recruitment thread for a while or what do you guys think?