Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Who here would prefer to be raised by two fathers or two mothers?

Moot point, gays can already have children (be it by surrogate, adoption, etc).
A kid raised by a Homossexual couple will be directly induced to be gay, not to mention the ammount of bully they will suffer.

I am not gay, but recently turned out that my father is. After all these years he tried hiding it and believing he was not. He never chose it. He's been hiding it on the last 48 years (his age at the moment).

Animals can be homossexual too, it's scientifically proved. Why not humans then? It's been out for thousands of years, and we've been accepting it until then. It's not about us to have such a hate for it. The Church has been changing people's mind about homossexuals, as they consider it a sin. And most of the ones who believe in it, take it VERY seriously. In fact, the first homophobics (the ones that kills/hurt gay people) we're priests.

About adoption, I haven't seen my father since then, but i heard that he and his "partner" adopted a little boy (around 3 or 4 years old), I feel bad for him, not because he will be raised by 2 gays, but because he will suffer a lot, bullying is still out there. And by now, i can consider him as a brother that i might never see.

Overall: gays are out there and we have to face it, sometimes they hide it because they know how society doesn't accept them. And that's why we should.
A kid raised by a Homossexual couple will be directly induced to be gay, not to mention the ammount of bully they will suffer.

I'd like to see the evidence that indicates that same sex parents in general have strong negative impacts on their children.

A growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with 1 or 2 gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual. Children’s optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationships and interactions within the family unit than by the particular structural form it takes.


And it seems as though that homosexual parents raise their children to be more open minded and adventurous about their own sexuality. Yet most children end up heterosexual.


I personally have only a mother and I'd rather have two parents who could care for me, no matter what gender or sexual orientation, than one who is busy enough with work and such.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Who here would prefer to be raised by two fathers or two mothers?

Much like saying who would rather live underwater. I don't know about you, but until I try something I tend not to have an opinion on it. So, I think that anybody who thinks that they would prefer a situation different to their current one has no idea what they are talking about.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
I think that anybody who thinks that they would prefer a situation different to their current one has no idea what they are talking about.

Your logic is terrible. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't prefer to be on fire, even though I never have been.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Ok the original Bible (King James Version) told us of stories about Adam and Eve (A man and a woman), i'm a reader and of the Bible, I'm sure there isn't anyone in the Bible being named Steve or Samantha (Samson and Delilah). King James was gay which was contradicting for him to continue spreading the original version of the Bible but that was the inspired word of the Lord, and you can't change that. The Bible also told us of stories about Sodom and Gomorrah and God did indeed destroy that retched city filled with fornicators and gays alike. The Bible also said that any man and lies with another should indeed be put to death. In the modern age I know putting gays to death is not allowed and why not? Because the world has been blinded by the immoral rights of humans that have been put in place to make sin an acceptable precedence in which the Devil has prevailed.

The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, if one doesn't believe in the Bible it simply makes no sense to take part in this discussion. My country hates this sinful act and I do even more. That is all.

There u go Ray.
Originally Posted by RepentNow View Post
The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, if one doesn't believe in the Bible it simply makes no sense to take part in this discussion.

Are you saying that marriage is exclusively for Christians?
Because that would be horribly incorrect.
How are you?
Originally Posted by RepentNow View Post
Ok the original Bible (King James Version)

Too funny. Just too funny.

Originally Posted by RepentNow View Post
The Bible also said that any man and lies with another should indeed be put to death. In the modern age I know putting gays to death is not allowed and why not? Because the world has been blinded by the immoral rights of humans that have been put in place to make sin an acceptable precedence in which the Devil has prevailed.

I already explained this Leviticus nonsense. About Levititititicus 18:22. click Again, this is from the original. Not your original.

Also, (although I could debate even this) The in original original (Hebrew Bible) Jesus affirmed a gay couple Matthew 5:8-13, and that's just one example.


Easiest solution in the universe to this marriage dilema... Remove marriage from our legal framework... Let everyone contractually love someone with a civil union. Everyone who is a consenting adult can have a civil union with any other consenting adult. Those who wish to be married can do so through the church. With it being ordained by God and all, why not, right? Let marriage be like any other religious ceremony, not legal. Let it be like a baptism or whatever church ceremony you enjoy. It makes too much sense not to work. There are too many good points to make at the moment. So please, let me hear any thoughts.

RayA75's Moderated Message:
Didn't I already tell you to keep it out of this thread?

no. no you didn't. Also, it has been brought to my attention the RepentNow might be trolling. If that is the case, job well done ,sir. I took the bait.
Last edited by TomPaine; May 28, 2012 at 02:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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