Superflivious possibilities:

Opener was alright, but a little stiff. The spin was good, but I don't like how you stopped before the next spin, it killed your flow and was really jerky.

Jump and spin was cool but the hit was really messy, and I think you could have gotten a boom. Movement to get to Uke was alright, but I think that the hit looked pretty weak. Run after that was a good idea but you looked kind of awkward doing it.

Well I was bored:

Opener was pretty cool and the jump spin and split was powerful and stylish. Knee DM after that was alright but you were kinda stiff after that. Movement to kick was kinda jerky and the kick was so clean it didn't look powerful at all. Kinda jerky after that, but the pose was alright.


This one was my favourite, gj. Opener was alright but I don't like how your arm ghosted. Jump spin was cool (Do you always do that?) but the boom was kinda messy. Split was really nice, I liked how you used the momentum from falling to hit Uke. Punch/split was kinda weak and I would have preferred it if you made it look more like a rip than a tap. Skeet was good and the movement after that was nice. Last punch was really nice and powerful and flowed amazingly. Only thing better would be if you could have gotten two DMs there. Pose was pretty good.

Also, y u no active on TM.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Well, epix was really nice.
The opener was okay but damn that ghosted hand, looked ugly. Nice interesting spin before the boom. backkick boom was alright, kinda lacked of aim. Punches were alright, nice idea to throw it then punch it, I really liked it though,Punch byitself was really powerful, gj.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Ehh, generic opener :/
First boom looked really weak, and the landing was a bit weird.
Punch was cool, felt like it could've been bigger though.
Torso punch, also could have been easily improved.
The skeet to the flying torso part was really weak, but the final punch was great, good job.
Epix- Opener was cool, kinda generic. You also ghosted your arm through your leg.
The kick was powerful, but I don't, like how you grabbed before the kick. Took off of the replay.
Then you kinda lost balance? The punch was nice, but it could've been cleaner and less off balance for sure.
The second punch was weak, well, it looked weak.
The skeet was cool. I liked it for a little bit of originality.
The last punch was cool too, but it looked like it took you off balance.
The pose was cool, but it could've been so much cooler.
But all in all it was a good replay.
thanks lin/cham/april/dat, I'll try to give all of you some CnC in return ;o
anyway here is a Really crappy replay
trying to get better in -9
Attached Files
jclark-Getting better at -9.rpl (197.8 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by jclark; Jun 11, 2013 at 07:41 AM.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource

Opener was alright, first kick looked ok but got good DMs. Punches were good but you let Uke's knee touch your chest. You were quite stiff during the spin leading to the grab punch (speaking of that eww) but otherwise it was good. 7/10
"Do not tell me you cannot overpower bullyness" - Dickster
Nice flow.
Opener was really cool, but the idea of the replay is just too overdone and the crotch hit could've been a boom. Nonetheless, you have improved a lot, good job.
LOOK AT MY REPLAY! oh yeah bump
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Heres a replay I did by stealing Dscigs replay
Attached Files
Jclark-Boltonising.rpl (153.7 KB, 19 views)
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Nice stuff.
I loved the opener and so the spin in the beginning, the kick was kinda stylish but it was a bit weak for my taste. Nice movement after the kick, you can recover nicely. The spin was cool but you should make it higher a bit, it looked a bit awkward with that high. Maybe it just me though.
Punch was nice, you should continue it and punch uke till dead lol.

Overall nice stuff, you're improve.