[I][B] Hi, I would really love to join the Clan NAO because I think I could be a great contributor to the clan. I have trained with one of your members some; ninjahead. He told me that he might be able to recommend me to you guys. Him and I fought in Ninjutsu and said I wasn't too bad. I am a Blue Belt, but just because I don't have a super high belt, could you please still give me a chance to try to show you my skills. Thank you.
Belt: Blue
IGN: Gaynor12
Game Types I am best at: Ninjutsu and Akido
Skype Name: gaynor12playsmc
P.S. I don't know why on my achievements it hasn't updated to Blue Belt yet, but I am a Blue Belt.
Last edited by Gaynor12; Jun 5, 2013 at 11:13 AM.
Reason: I wanted to add my achivements. I know I don't have many, but please, I would love to train with you guys.