Hello My name Is James Harris I am 13 years old 14 in may,5 Ingame I play mutiplayer,spar,trick,lenshu,wushu,mushu,abd2, and abd Fourm activity I post rarley on fourm but I keep it open checking out for msgs or To send things Why I want to Join I want to join Because blast seems like a nice good clan an active clan too and When I join Blast I will try to Make a great effort in helping them reach to the top I also Belive I have more opportunities I hope you Invite me to your clan!
Name: Jonathan
age: 14
ingame activity: i give it a 10
forum activity: i give it a 7
favorite mods: xspar.tbm wushu.tbm aikido.tbm and more
why you want to join: Ill never been in a clan. and im ready for some upgrade.

I hope this smells good. and i got a proof why i wanna join.


Name: Rohby
age: 14
ingame activity: 9/10
forum activity: 8/10
favorite mods: judo, Aikidobigdojo, wushu, mushu, runkido and running
why you want to join: i would like to join because i would like to help out this clan to become a big clan!
what will i do for this clan: i will try to donate as much as possible to the clan bank.
My name is Charlie.
My ingame name is Beginwars.
My age is 10.
My favourite mod(s) are: Aikido and Wushu

I want to join because I need a place to stay and train I like to meet new people and I hope I make the clan because I want to help make people and other clans stronger.

My forum activity is low. My game activity however, is quite high
I'd like to thank everyone I was friends with here.
You guys know who you are, I appreciate you all.