Once upon a time, when people were cool as Azion, women started to slap eki's ass. One butt cheek was hit so hard it undergone,ice should use? then snook came me he blame Jarmund for banning the Toribot when eki was fapping over Azion's sexy cervical vertebrae, mmm. But there were horny furries everywhere, with tentacle dildos and sweaty fursuits. I like turtles and playboy bunnies and pink dildos(tentacle dildos btw)using it on eki's sexy ass. Then Azion joined eki's hate group but was kicked because Azion was very erect and loved moist salt, using it on Kirito's and Move's non-existent snail race which actually existed but it didnt work good enough so he put it 12 inches artificial pink condoms, sour cream flavored. Rekfest is served to Azion's fam that sexually abused hamsters in jumpsuits cuz they black and also white dont forget grey and period red. Then Sniper came and penetrated each elite members, except azion AND Snook!! Alpha was drunk so he went to da club, a gay club he met azion who seduced Alphan00b with his sexy-ass Glutious Maximus, they get laid as fast as your dick stands, move then decided to slap azion with soft cockheads and then got sexy male orgasms while stroking his lovely wife's schlong through some ass, Jenson's sexy ass,sexier than Azion's big thick juicy Man Boobs.
Although,stop being pervs, Alphan00b once said, stop being pervs, Azion has declared. stop being pervs.Now lets have perv mind already, nope, lets be perv minded person and talk about realism of sexys because kirito confused Rust on why new sentence fucked up this and everyone died . Eki's still Alive.
NO ;-;