Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
B: defense should come first before offense right?

can we get some experience points going on now? Like, if we choose the right option then we can gain experience. So right now we're level one and the max level is ... maybe level 20?

Or we can use a point system to spend it on attributes like "intelligence" and "strength" If we get Intelligence then you can help us by giving us hints. Strength will help us make things faster.

Probably too late to start with the experience system but I thought it would be a cool idea.'s tooo hard...too complicationez just keep it simple and fun doody dood food i just pood
I love you
Sorry guys! Due to the fact that i'm lazy, and i'm joining a clan, I wont be updating anymore.

Mods, please close this thread.
mabey someone else can start the thread again
not meh i are also to lazy
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag

That is all.....for now
Last edited by seanmarq; Oct 25, 2008 at 11:36 AM.
I believe that gathering all toribashians and taking over is EPIC PHAIL!
I believe that taking over by gathering all toribashians is EPIC WIN!