View Poll Results: What do you think of the quality of ThatOneGuy's textures?
Wow, These are amazing I just love them!
19 Votes / 26.39%
Woah, these are pretty cool.
23 Votes / 31.94%
I dont really care...
13 Votes / 18.06%
Jeez... These could really use some work...
6 Votes / 8.33%
Ugh, they are so sickeningly ugly I cannot continue to look at the page!
11 Votes / 15.28%
Voters: 72. You may not vote on this poll
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OH SHIT NO! ill send you one LOL well, that sucks

I got another mouse! Huzzah! I think I will begin work on the... Hands... I dont like the hands...
Last edited by ThatOneGuy; Nov 1, 2008 at 02:38 AM.
i want him to have a red T-shirt on, i have full vamp joints, make some tear details, with reddish pants, tear detail's, maybe some patches. i want fists with brass knuckles on them, and i want feet with sandals. pharos is worth 45k, if u accept im happy, if not i can only send you 10k for the completed texture.
Ok lol, well, make one with the same style of body, but a new head, make it martial arts style please. Maybe you could a scar or sumtin, id appreciate the head to have an epic evil smile, if its really nice ill add another 10k. About the clan, its tottaly up 2 u =) I just thiink you would be a nice addition =)
hair all around, and maybe a head band with SUPERBAD written across the front, in gangster letters, a good font is "Grand Stylus" search it on its really nice.
nd skin.... same as ur avatar head's skin please =) and yes, with silver brass knuckles, dont forget RED clothes lol, eyes, maybe hazel, hair, black with read highlights maybe? id really love to have the hair slightly going in front of eyes, EX: EMO STYLE, lol in a way. skin, maybe when u are doing the arms (not the biceps) u could put some tatoos or something. remember, i want the shirt to have the sleeve ending on the bicep, maybe a tatoo that says superbad with a little design or sumtin?
Just moving this up here because I am sick of going back for it. And if you would try to convert that pharos to TC
Finished hand. One tiny problem though, he has no thumbs... I tried putting em on but it looked retarded.
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HandDemo.jpg (18.5 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by ThatOneGuy; Oct 31, 2008 at 11:40 PM.
grr... i guess ill try to sell it..... but when u get it you could sell it also?
=) lol amazing hands BTW, they are gonna look so cool with my vamp joints

Ok what exactly are we to do about the feet? Its really hard to put any detail into them as it is stretched so badly, so what do you want?
hmm, i guess lets make it easy? just toes with like a sandal strap? if thats too hard, just make them open feet, or combat boots (add a little detail to the lower legs that show the top of the combat boots) if none of that works just do what u think its cool.

Combat boots sounds good enough, Anywho lookie what Ive got!

Perhaps we should discuss delivery, do you want it by email or would you like me to attempt putting every texture through speedyshare?
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Screen.jpg (41.7 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by ThatOneGuy; Nov 1, 2008 at 04:04 AM.