what made you start playing toribash? (not sure if it was already asked before)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Originally Posted by emoney78 View Post
Hey Diamond, What are your hobbies outside of toribash?

guitarrr and sport

Originally Posted by Rose View Post
top 5 players u hate the most and top 5 players u like the most

geez I need to think a bit about it

Originally Posted by AWoebaWay View Post
favorite food?


Originally Posted by Shock View Post
How would you describe your playstyle?

lazy, a bit stupid and lucky : p

Originally Posted by Jojo View Post
Favorite Food?

ice cream

Originally Posted by Doexer View Post
Favorite Food?

apples w/o a doubt ^^

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
what made you start playing toribash? (not sure if it was already asked before)

accidentally found it somewhere and it seemed fun
ever feel bad about banking someone?
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by Rose View Post
ever feel bad about banking someone?

All the time >.<

Originally Posted by Jojo View Post
Have you ever felt bad about banking rose?

yes, I think
Originally Posted by Dinoco51 View Post
what made you so pro at moving your tori


Originally Posted by P4P4Z0LA View Post
Have you tried filipino food? cuz you better try some :^)

nope and I don't know any