Wow I cant believe how much we have grown already! This is definitely proving to be a very promising clan.
Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
Lol, I'd say king!

Also, if all we need is 6k, i can pay for the rest.
Do we get it back? XD
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by Fezch View Post
Do we get it back? XD

haha maybe in time through doing good for the clan

Fisher said he is going to send me 5K now, and Fezch send 3K in and i'll pay for the rest.

Thnx guys

Edit: Ok guys, we have decided to make nicknames for each other! Makes us closer as a "family". Remember we can only have [Nano-XXX] so either abbreviate names (like Satan - STN) or post 3 lettered thing (like GOD).
Post cool ones.

I say Kordiss could be [Nano-CMT] which stands for COMET. Sounds cool. Dunno. >.<

Baku can be [Nano-SDW] which stands for SHADOW. Sounsa cool too.

Still thinking about everyone esle.
Last edited by PlayaJ; Feb 9, 2009 at 07:54 PM.
baku and kordiss i think they are great guys aye, im glad theyr in our clan, when i met baku ingame you practically ignored me man! and good to see you back king!

edit: where are some people like senflow, holiday878, madmanWTF, who are these guys? i know senflow but where she is i wouldnt have a clue, and i recruited torikai but i dunno if hes still in.
Last edited by MetroMan; Feb 9, 2009 at 08:01 PM.
I'm [Nano-MoZ]Baku which is Master of Zoltan! There is only few Masters of Zoltan in the world and you can be proud that you have one of them in your clan. Master of Zoltan - this is my status

Hehe sory metroman I didn't mean to :P ok guys so we are now legit clan or will be soon if Playaj don't run witch money to bahamas :P So many stupid threads is waiting for you to be created in our forum! ARE YOU WITH ME! I ASKED! ARE YOU WITH ME?!
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Feb 9, 2009 at 08:31 PM.
Funny way to die :)
Metro: All those ppl are active ingame... they are kind of in our clan <.< they wont probably post in our forums much cause they dont use the forums. But i might kick 'em. We'll see.

Baku: oh yeah Moz, forgot.
And dont worry i am commited to this clan.
yeah we're with you *twirls finger unenthusiastically* =D