Razial the Crazy
We begin with the story of Razial.He grew in a little pretty town with his grandsparents,because his parents was kill when he was child.His friends was kill too and finally...His grandparents was kill in mysterious circumstances.
So he finish to grow alone and he become crazy help by a symbiot,who has possessed him,when he was training in the wood.The same which killed his parents.The same which kill his friends,his grandparents.The same which kill all his family and his life.
Becuz of this,he never had friends nor family.He always learn to be alone.
Until he met the Fr_Death!They try to be nice with him and to learn to him to be less aggressive and more human...
With this past,and the symbiot,Razial it's a very lunatic boy and,sometimes,nobody really know who he is... But he never forget his hate,his taste for fighting and maybe one day...He will be himself!

Remaniement d'ma story et visiblement va falloir remanier les equipes...
J'ai dea fait un petit post sur le topic des inscriptions pour les premieres descriptions en disant que c'etait ppt qui les avait faites bien sur ^^
Black Belt : No clan !
Gros problème les gars, jok vient de repondre et on a jusqu'a mercredi , et ils y a trop de team , il demande a ce qu'on regroupe les 5 team en 1 ou 2 team !
Faut se bouger les gars !
Black Belt : No clan !
Notre team:

Destru (Destru)
Kelvin0 (Max)
Alpha152 (Alpha152) Mais il faudrait qu'il réponde sinon c'est Meuhgo
Toritrip (Toritrip)
ppt (ppt)
vins (?) Sous réserve
Last edited by Kelvin0; Mar 8, 2009 at 03:33 PM.
J'en ai suppr ?
Non c'est un récapitulatif de ppt !

Ahh oui mais toi je t'ai pas vu !

Tu as juste à prendre la place à Alpha qui ne participe peut-etre pas !