Originally Posted by Kido View Post
sorry for the delay, we had some change in our team and stuff, welcome in [e]!

I'm understand about the changes. I just said that in the post I've done 5 days ago. Anyways, I'm so greatful that I did it. Thank you! :)

Originally Posted by Wattr View Post
Yes, welcome! :D

Thanks, buddy! ^-^
Keep walking
My application to [e]lectric

Hello guys , I hope all of you reading enjoy my application.
Lets start off with a little paragraph about my self. I am a 12 year old boy named Gaspard , my birthday is on the 18th of June so im almost 13. In real life I like to BMX and I used to do karate but I quit , I was a Blue belt. I found it kinda boring. I have a dog and a brother , btw my dog is so beautiful you have to see her , shes just so adorable.
She's 3 years old and her birthday is on the 16th of February. I personally think that I am a pretty chill dude , I like to be the class clown I always make people laugh at school and I think for my age I am pretty mature. I have alot of friends and once you get to know me , you will like me , unless you piss me off . Im not easily provoked but if you really really annoy me ill just end up punching something or someone thats near me. I live in London my GMT is +-0 and I like to play toribash as you might already knnow , since im pretty active.

My doggy

That was a little bit about me in real life , now ill talk you through my toribash life I guess and to make it easier for you ill sort it out into sections I guess.

My accounts
I have 3 accounts that I mainly use , them being Jesus , Allah and Flame(This one is banned , will explain in the next section) . Jesus was made straight up , no namechanges no nothing but the other two were made with namechanges Allah was just an alt called ishiku and Flame my actual main ( well now its not my main cos its banned ) was previously known as -Demon and wolfkidxD.

My bans and infractions
Jesus ban / infraction history :
Not much to say but , I have gotten 3 infractions all for useless posts I think , one warning because I didn't include something on the market I think and a one day ban that was quite recent because I linked porn on a thread. It happened like this , there was an event where you had to re-create a movie scene in toribash , the guy above asked if he could do a puppet sex scene they said yes so I done a made up porno scene , I linked pornhub and gave a replay in torisex.tbm and I got banned. It was only one day but I still think they take this stuff too serious.

Allah ban / infraction history :

Flame ban / infraction history :
Many many infractions for useless posts 2 one day bans , 2 major bans ( one permanent ) The first ban I was involved in a duel scam worth 10k and I got a 3 month ban , I don't really want to explain this one because it happened in december 2013 so its not so relevant anymore and thats the only scam that I done.
The second ban was me wanting tbashboii to hack my friend Fizz I wanted to see his reaction , tbashboii didn't do anything , he didn't want to do it because hes not about that life ,taking hack requests , so I told fizz and he reported me , were still good friends , I think it taught me a lesson and I deserved it.

Flame past clans :
[Evil] [l] [MyLittle] [e] (Beta) [Origin] [Extreme]
Those are the only ones I remember , pretty sure that I have been in more than that but the clan hopping has stopped since 2014.

Jesus past clans :
[Evil] [l]

Allah past clans :

That was pretty much my toribash life now ill write about what I can contribute and why I chose [e] over the other couple hundred clans

I chose [e] because I know , and trust me when I say I know , that this clan is a great clan with alot of friendly people and that this clan is active , not just any old clan that dies 5 days after its made . I have friends in this clan and I have been in this clan before with Twilight and he was a really cool dude , I was here to revive this clan so I stayed for around 6 months and I decided to leave as I done my job and now I am joining to become a part of this family for good , last time I held my promise so ill hold it this time too.

I can contribute activity and pride to this clan and yeah I am willing to donate almost everything to make this clan p[e]rfect.

I think thats enough for my app , sorry that I didnt write much about what I can contribute but I can do almost anything.

your app will be voted as soon as we can, meanwhile because of your name, i need to do this.


no u

in relation to Jesus' app:

me and him are chill about the whole tbash thing

e: I've changed my mind. he insists on complaining that I reported him (at least once every 2 days) when he quite clearly broke the rules. don't know why he thinks he's special.

won't be posting here again since I don't want to start an argument, have a nice day.
Last edited by Fizz; May 4, 2016 at 11:29 PM.
Can i join? I cannot join clans cause they are properly pranks me everytime when they say yes. So this is my last clan to join so if no I'm done if yes i'm not done. I hope i'll be accepted
Secretly Gay