Heya.. just want to remind you guys that you are alowed to join our privat events. This is one of the things we offer our allies.
Current Event: [ME] Monthly Replay Challenge - August
[ME] Private Events Thread
n-game Name:theradguy
Real Name;paul
Belt:green belt
In-game activity (0-10):9
Forum Activity (0-10):7
Any previous clans and why you left them:none
Why The Bomb Squad:the banner looked cool and it looked nice
How you can you contribute to us:do my best
Favorite mods:judo.tbm and twinswords mod
Any bans/infractions:none
Other means of communication (e.g skype):facebook
Something about yourself:im nice and not a snitch
Replays:falcon punch
and thx if u can and if not its ok