Lol'd at that ^
And Mhm, Survivings.
I was quite suprised Extreme was still alive when I came back. But hm, o-o"
And as for Kirito, I kind of agree.
But all Fantasy is quite boring, I'd prefer a Dark fantasy or horror, Mystery or Horror or psychological. With something cheeky going behind and all, but yeah.
SAO 1 was nice but not exactly my taste.
Maybe Akame Ga Kill? But thats, asd.

Just finsihed Inukami! Cheeky

ToonAlts. Hashtags.
I recall Kammy hasing an alt named Damp something or other.

Last edited by clipsall; Oct 12, 2014 at 04:53 PM.
Alts, alts and alts
I got a couple of them.
Forgot the one i used most,twas around a 2nd dan
but only used them during them bans so cheeky.
I just bothered myself checking What Kammy's avvy is really.
So I was thinking maybe we start recruiting again but this time with a different mindset.
We recruit people with the same mindset as us that way they won't complain that we're hard to fit in with and shit or some of our older members over there can comeback.
I'll hand you your spots back gladly you know
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
Lol'd at that ^
And Mhm, Survivings.
I was quite suprised Extreme was still alive when I came back. But hm, o-o"
And as for Kirito, I kind of agree.
But all Fantasy is quite boring, I'd prefer a Dark fantasy or horror, Mystery or Horror or psychological. With something cheeky going behind and all, but yeah.
SAO 1 was nice but not exactly my taste.
Maybe Akame Ga Kill? But thats, asd.

Just finsihed Inukami! Cheeky

ToonAlts. Hashtags.
I recall Kammy hasing an alt named Damp something or other.


Akame ga kill is pure dark, it play with your feeling
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
Alts, alts and alts
I got a couple of them.
Forgot the one i used most,twas around a 2nd dan
but only used them during them bans so cheeky.
I just bothered myself checking What Kammy's avvy is really.

Leo and Satan ftw
Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
Akame ga kill is pure dark, it play with your feeling

Try playing Heavy Rain.
Game made me near cry throughout the entire thing, and left me sad as shit, for a week after. Fantastic game, despite that.
Yeah, all my classmates played Heavy Rain and 80% of them were depressed. My teachers kept asking why they were so sad. xD
Ryan will be remembered.
Weren'ts we working for that before as well? I was.
It's quite impossible to know how a person is without getting to know them first, so normally we'd get to know them on IRC or something but Extreme, is, Dead there.
That just means we has to find some friends on the forum who are clanless orget to know them ingame through alot of playing or something.
Tell me a method and I'll try on my spare time.

And Mhm.
I was really curious to how the relation between Esdese and the main character would go on so I spoiled myself.
So I'm not really watching it currently, waiting for it to finish altogether. Kinda regret it, then again, maybe not.