Age: 15
Belt (Minimum Black): ahh fuck the belts , im green belt
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : really happy
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): i like this clan because there is some ppl from finland in your clan and he can tell me what some words mean in english (im not perfect in english) and it would be fucking awesome to be part of this awesome clan.
Favorite/Best Official Mod: AikidoBD for life!!
Special skills (Can't include ingame skills.Can include Movie Making, Art and Textures, Dancing, etc.): umm.. im not good making any kind of art...
Examples of that skill(at least 2 would be nice): -
Previous Clans(if any): Fish
Favorite Forum(if any): no favorite
Organizations Affiliated With(if any): -
Do you have an alternate account,and if so,what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : -
Location: Finland
Forum Activity: [medium-High]
Number of Posts (minimum of 80): fuck the posts , look at skills not belt or posts pls
Number of Infractions: what this means? :P