Secret Santa 2024
You're welcome
If you ever become more active, you can pass by and I shall vote yes on you if your app is good.
oh yeah
Belt doesn't matter, you could be a white belt and pwn ass but you could be a master belt but suck, Belts is just a way of measuring how many games you have played.
Would You Like A Chocolate?
What he said was very truthful.
Also, wait until we give you the final answer.
Posting repetedly will only make it worse, so please be patient.
oh yeah
ok pusga what i meant is the forums is important but its not the most important thing. lower your standards some. your pissing off a lot of the ppl wanting to join. give em a chance. i believe everyone deserves atleast one chance.
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
We don't want our roster completely clustered with people who don't REALLY want to be here and just to have a clan so they don't look so nubby (no offense appliers ;])
Would You Like A Chocolate?
The system works by majority vote, so if I vote no and everybody else votes yes, then obviously they will be accepted, and then I will realise I was wrong, that's how a clan works.

Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
your pissing off a lot of the ppl wanting to join.

Just wanted to point out in this part that just because someone applied, doesn't instantly make them able to join, and if they are denied then they shouldn't be pissed, they should understand it.
oh yeah
First things first, shut the fuck up. Only applications and votes are allowed here. Take your shit to general discussion. First and only warning, after that I take liberty to de-rank you or other cruelties (for non-members, I'll get a ban on your asses on this subforum).

numeryczny: Yes, I like you. Invite sent
LeonardoGHB: On a second thought, no. Poor english. Sorry bro
HolyShrimp: Yeah. Invite sent.
Kaleb123: Yes. Invite sent.
epicachilles: No. Sorry.
tulip12: Emo is not a race. Sheesh, no.
xxlordmasterxx: No. Stop spamming, idiot.
trelvin: Oh well. No :P
RastaDude: Deffinately yes. Invite sent
hypnohype: I don't feel confident about you. No for now.
Anthony239: You don't apply to a clan by telling that you are a jerk. No.
princecarl: Yeah. Invite sent.
LonelyMonkey: Yep. Invite sent.

Third, as of now, this is a temporary system, I'll implement a new one shortly. I take your votes as advice, but in the end, I decide.
I'll implement a "who should we kick" board, where you can vote about the fates of VICTIMS (Last rank) only, and only members with at least the rank of MINION (Rank 6) will be able to vote. Higher-ranked members' votes count more.
Dat's all. You can talk about the issue on general discussion. (see first point.)
]Okay i like ynvasers answer because he doesent feel confident about me thats a good answer so do u want me to prove to u im good? i can try to post some replays dont know if my computer will let me

because of the fact that i just updated the game for some reason most of my really good replays are gone so i got this one which i did while trying out for ur clan thank you for taking ur time to read this

i still win!.rpl
Last edited by hypnohype; Feb 21, 2012 at 09:33 PM.
I'm more interested in intellect. We need some forum activity. But you seem all right, judging by this post. Yes, invite sent.