It really does suck,

I found TeenSwexx, WifeSwexx, BortherSwexx, BabySwexx among others,

the list is endless.

Anyways, I'll find you eventually.
Nigma Disconnected
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There's a guy named Maxtix who started that.

Youngswexx = Detacher

BabySwexx = Maxtix

And alot more.
I know JhonMorson is TeenSwexx,

Anyhow, my question is why the fuck would anyone -let alone a group of people, create these much swexx accounts?
Nigma Disconnected
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Swexx said he didn't care. They just want to be like him, be because they only spar, like me. I have a feeling that this thing will be over soon.
Hallo guys, fellow russian pony saying hi, and also, sometimes I wanna play with my allies, get a feel for em' and I can't because I'm a blue belt ( becoming brown)

Originally Posted by RussianFail View Post
Hallo guys, fellow russian pony saying hi, and also, sometimes I wanna play with my allies, get a feel for em' and I can't because I'm a blue belt ( becoming brown)


Uhmmm.... I don't think this is the correct influence here.

Originally Posted by Nigma View Post
Go check out Electric, a ton of brony queers over there.

Hahah, good one Nigma.

y u so mean

I've seen a clan named [Ele], running around. I guess that's them, correct?

That would be [Element] you're thinking about.

Electric's tag is [e].

Got a shit ton of pun influenced requests/jokes about me joining [Enigma] when theyhad that tag. .

Get it?

That's right, double bazinga.
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