Dammit, I put in a lot of work into that app.

My fingers hurt from typing so much.

Cum on me gib me a chance.
Originally Posted by Aviant View Post

Cum on me gib me a chance.

I see what u did there :3
Welcome dragqueen
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Hello Dragon.
Marley is such a beautiful cat. If I were in lead of TGS I'd autoaccept you just for that cat.
Last edited by Lexx; May 1, 2014 at 10:21 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Hey TGS!
My name is Potram (David Xuan in real life) and i would like to join!
I am an 15 years old and live in the Czech republic (GTM +2).
I just finished primary school (finally), in the future i would like to work as a proggramer. My hobbies are doing karate and taekwondo,
which i do for 5 years and have been very successful (multiple champion of Czech republic in category : cadets light weight).
I am very a friendly, kind and helpful person, that is willing to help whenever a problem rise from both toribash related and real life matters.
I am sociable and talkative aswell, i really like chatting so when it comes to my activity it shouldn't be a problem.
I am a big fan of everything related with martial arts... from movies to games just everything. Watching action movies or doing karate and taekwondo is really helping me with toribash.

So about my toribash career.
I started to play toribash in 2011. After that i stopped to play for a year because i had to study alot. After a year of inactivity it was a real challenge to do something with my tori.
I decided to choose the way of a replay maker because i always admired ppl that could perform moves that looks like in real life so i wanted to be just like them.
My main mods are aikido, aikido big dojo and xspar, these are the mods that i basically play all the time. My toribash dream is to become the greatest replay maker ever.

My old clans (Metal,flip) unfortunatelly died, but i stayed with them till the end and never clanhop'd.
I am applying because i am looking for ingame and forum active clans so TGS would be perfect for me.
I've been always admiring this clan because of its awesome and skilled people aswell.
I know like all the members here but they probably don't know me :'D.
My forum activity is 9/10 and in-game activity 7/10.

5 things that aren't Jackie Chan

Thanks for taking time with reading my app.
Potram (i luv cats)
Last edited by millie; Jul 4, 2016 at 02:30 AM.

Just seen you couple times ingame.
Haven't seen anything really positive.
So you're pretty much a total stranger.


Read the app. (lrn 2 grammar pls)

You failed the 5 Things That Aren't Jackie Chan.

You are a really cool guy and you are good ingame.

I say you have a shot, it's up to the others.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
To be honest, I didn't like you at start for some strange reason.
Perhaps because I didn't know you at all.
But after reading the app I've got a pretty positive idea about you.
I like you. So I say yes.
But before getting in, I suggest you to have a little talk with the other guys of the clan.
I guess they'll like you aswell.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •