View Poll Results: Do you like me and want me to stay?
Yeah stay ur cool!
3 Votes / 50.00%
We love u!
3 Votes / 50.00%
Fag get out
0 Votes / 0%
Dont care about you leave
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 6. You may not vote on this poll
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Here are a couple reasons not to kick people:
1: People earned their membership into the clan because they are mature and loyal to the ways of ICOF, in the forums, in game, and likely in the world.

2: People don't play this game every day, week, month, year. There is a whole world of things to do other than Toribash. (Can you imagine?) When they come back to see their friends in ICOF they don't want to find they were kicked for doing something skillful with their time.

3: It will lower the clan rank. Not that the rank is so important but it has value. Each member gives us points that count toward our rank. While we should want mature hyper-active members it is still good to have a group of casual members who may not play as often.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
Point no one is going to get kicked bro.
[SOA] is the sexyest clan alive! so join today. newsbash team!

leader of SOA

then we will stay like this
but still we need to know who is active
PROUD iCoF ex-LEADER "Justice, equality and freedom are more than just words, they are goals."
Origin is the new Black.

Lol, we know you not. Read the frist post lol this check does not apply to you lol.
[SOA] is the sexyest clan alive! so join today. newsbash team!

leader of SOA

I was under the impression wee was never going to leave iCoF again
Im gunna miss him being in this forum
U.S ARMY|My MOS?: 18B.: Special Operations Weapons Sergeant|***Special Forces***|ARMY Strong.
i tought the same...
that is what he was always saying...
but he made his decision
PROUD iCoF ex-LEADER "Justice, equality and freedom are more than just words, they are goals."
Origin is the new Black.

[LOOK] King send the qs force!
Havent gotten it yet
U.S ARMY|My MOS?: 18B.: Special Operations Weapons Sergeant|***Special Forces***|ARMY Strong.
Bump Due to nesesity (Rules at the bottom of the threads >.> not a good thing. {DELETE THIS POST})
Technical Old School. - It exists.