Secret Santa 2024
I'm a DotA player,cheeky really.
Been playing for some 2-3 months. Still no good really.
As for LoL, I'm not used to the champions as I didn't play much of it so I won't say it's good or bad.
Most of my cousins play Dota so I Tag along with them
Cheeky really

That's about the only game I play now.
It was pretty good.
Main thing Im hyped for is Killing Floor 2.

Best part of it was they announced that for the weekend, theyd be giving away 3 games for free, off psn. One for Vita, one for ps3 and one for ps4. Got the ones for Vita and ps3, but the ps3 one I cant download cause not enough room on my ps3 :c
Ps4 comes out Still a PC boy Xbox one comes out still a PC boy.
PC master race niggers
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

PC Masterrace!

That won't ever stop me from getting consoles though, mostly for the exclusives.
Namely, God of War, Little Big Planet, and InFamous on Playstation, and the Halo Masterchief Collection on the Xbone. Probably also gonna get the new Dragon Age game on Xbone, unless I cave and get it for PS3
I am a PS fan. Never really liked them xBox-es. Played them a couple of times but meehs.
Though, even though I play PS games, I usually run out of interest so I quit games halfway c;
So I guess I am more of a Pc user than anything, hmm.