View Poll Results: If Jooker leaves what do we do?
Zen becomes leader and we revive FC
8 Votes / 33.33%
We declare the clan dead and we all leave
16 Votes / 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
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Azzefire leave him alone just nvm ik he is making mistakes so let flesh and jooker deal with him.
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Hi, sorry for the invade, I was bored clicked on a random clan thread, went to the last few pages and saw this.
I think you should leave zen alone, he owes someone 4k, so what? he owes him 4k none of any of your business(apart from zen and who ever he owes it to). If anyone should be kicked its who ever started the idea of reporting zen, clans are suppose to work together.
Ok first of all i do see my mistakes and i even apologized. Secondly yes anyone can manage FCT but it was my idea. And Azze it's more than brackets, there's planning, scheduling, posting and a lot of hard work involved.
Also power is back yaaay!
Equi is right
I need mah Co-Lead abilities back ASAP plz.
BTW I did say something about my Debt when Flesh asked. I talked about Digger and his Debt remember? It was that one time you got pissed at me XD I remember it like it was yesterday. I also said i was working on it here and via PM i think.
Originally Posted by Viraly0 View Post
I don't think we should duel each other anymore :P

Originally Posted by diggerfinn View Post
I agree with dat :P

Sounds good :P
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Zen is thinking he is the only boss here, but he doesn't see his mistakes.

How about Ravey, Flesh and Jooker? Also why is Jooker so inactive :C (I don't wanna be rude but can i run for his spot? :P)
Guys i wanna remind you all that when we become official our Clan Discussion will be deleted and it will give us a thread system instead :C Thread systems tend to get messy. Can we please just not become official?
(It will also delete our main clan page)
Last edited by Merc; Jul 17, 2014 at 06:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Also why is Jooker so inactive :C (I don't wanna be rude but can i run for his spot? :P)

After all of us said something about your mistakes, now you said a big bullshit :| Why you shoud be leader and derank jooker? I want to remember something that you dont know, i donated 15k to clanbank first time when we applied, and i should be co or leader for what i did. Also yes, i still want to donate the 24k to clan bank to apply again, and this would be a total of 40k donated by me and nothing. Flesh did you know that i donated first time 15k?