And now for no good reason it's story time!
I decided that I wanted to learn to play twitch. I hadn't really played him much before, but I saw a perfect opportunity to get to grips with him when my team locked in sona, nautilus, singed and karthus. That's a hell of a lot of AOE and protection when it comes to teamfights. Holy shit does this rat snowball hard or what?
We had a pretty good start, we were bullying the thresh and ashe quite effectively, I was using my stealth really aggressively. We had them pushed under the turret at level 4 so we shoved super hard to get the lane to reset, then we went in for a fight. Hecarim ganked via lantern from out of vision range, but we had already pushed ashe out of the fight. We traded kills and a lot of summoners, I got thresh and hecarim got me, but the damage was done as I got the first blood and returned to lane with beserker greaves + vamp sceptre.
Hecarim was pretty much forced forced to camp bot lane from now on which allowed our singed to just go nuts. The enemy cho'gath was pretty much helpless. We won 2 consecutive 2 vs 3 fights with my ult + sona ult just shredding the enemy team. I am fairly sure I had a zeal and infinity edge by the 15 minute mark. We took dragon after another really good fight (I flashed over the wall to chase 3 people, you should have seen it, shit was awesome yo), 2 turrets and anivia's blue. At this point the game was pretty much over but it didn't make repeatedly crushing everyone in teamfights any less satisfying. I ended the game at 21/5/8. Feels good.