Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
whats the difference my app includes all the outlines u mentioned. (The difference is how you wrote your application.)

its been 6 days for this app so pls i kinda ran out of patient, making another one would be fatul for me so pls let it slide.. (No exception.)

u guys need active members. (McNuggets answered this well. This clan isn't like most clans, we've died, risen and most of these guys been through it all. When we brought in new members the hype was good and positive. When they noticed how relaxed our activity was they ended up leaving. Having patience and loyalty shows good qualities which triumphs over activity any day.)

You have failed to meet our requirements and we will not move further in your clan application review.

Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
We'd like quality members not a handful of them, if you're not willing to make another app for us then it shows you aren't loyal.

Sup Clan members :D
Nick: Smurf.
Age: 16 years.
Belt: Black (almost there 2nd dan)
Forum Activity: 8.5/10
Ingame Activity: 10/10
Past Clans: Nitro, left it because i left toribash too.
Bad History: yah some interfactions, and i got banned because when i left Toribash i left a loan unpaid back
Why do you want to join?: because it has the best members and its the best home for homeless toribashers, ultimate it the place where legends belong to.
What can you offer to Ultimate?:alot of help in wars, and i can help it not die, by recruiting members (if i become a recuiter)
Replays (post as an attachment)osted before but those are what i only have
Is smurf krailz?

And hi guys. Long time. Y'all miss me yet?
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Invited as a favor to smurf. If Ian disagrees he can remove you or any of the leaders of course. I just came as a favor to newb. Don't disappoint. Good day people
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Nick:Apollo previously Luco123
Belt: 6th dan black belt
Forum Activity: I am quite active and regularly check the forums and try to post as much as possible (7.5)
Ingame Activity:I am Very active ingame and almost get on everyday(9)
Past Clans: Dark,TGS,elite,TFR( at least the ones I can remember I try to stay loyal but Dark and elite died and TGS andTFR kicked me)
Bad History: 1 infraction for useless post
Why do you want to join?: I want to join join because I am looking for a good clan to settle down and this looks like a nice place and friendly , also N3wb told me I should apply
What can you offer to Ultimate?:I am a pretty good aikido player and I have a natural talent for striking mods (ask n3wb ;)),I am a generally active person and I can get on and help with events and wars on a moments notice (most of the time)
I have been playing for 3 years now and I have made plenty of friends the oldest one i can remember is xastle and its just been a blast, I am a nice person but I can get pretty angry sometimes but I try keep a level head most of the time. I want to make new friends and Finally stay in one clan for the rest of my time playing, I feel that once you get to know me You'll probably like me. I try to keep things short and thank you for reading my application,
P.S My replays are below some will be of aikido and others of Rkmma

Attached Files
arm dm rk.rpl (62.9 KB, 4 views)
Decap.rpl (85.0 KB, 4 views)
Flip over.rpl (33.2 KB, 4 views)
Pass.rpl (74.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Apollo; Jun 5, 2016 at 10:30 PM.
Due to my lack of reading ability I read his app wrong, I personally like Apollo, seems like a good guy, maybe a decent fit for [u]
So I change my NO, to a YES!