Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Oh alright guys, and don't you guys think
that champions with very good poke like Nid is a
good champ in aram?

Basically undefeatable ARAM teams consist of long range AD poke (Varus/Caitlyn/Twitch), tanky support with heavy CC (Blitzcrank/Alistar/Thresh), an AP poke (Karthus, Zilean, Nid, Yi), ridiculous AoE champs like Fiddle or Karthus, a high mobility assassin like Yi or Katarina, and or high CC tanks like Malphite or Amumu.

What monkey says is kinda true as well. Although magic and armor pen...
Last edited by Muur; May 31, 2013 at 07:21 AM.
Not true, tanks aren't as useful in the beginning, and they can be made worthless from effective zoning and dives.

Likewise, pokers are good in the beginning and middle, but fall off at the end if you don't capitalize on the early advantage.

ADC are slightly weak in the beginning, and only scale upwards.

AP casters that don't have poke are strongest at early game and stay about even in terms of effectiveness as the game progresses, because they tend to have good late game scaling as compensation for their slightly weaker early phases.

And supports are always useful, so long as you can support a team effectively, and your team isn't batshit retarded.

What will ultimately dictate a game though is good cc.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
Yeah, no, after you've been promoted and you start winning games you can be immediately demoted. I got up to promo to get to silver 2 one day and then started losing tons of games and eventually got to 0 LP silver 3, and I decided to play one more then lost it and got demoted down to silver 4

i've repromoted to silver 3 since then though so that's nice

Scrolls up, EJM added up to my reply and you basically repeated what he said.

also dunkey posted another funneh vid;

When I saw the cinematics when it was released, my first thought for every scene practically was something along the lines of "noob tf, walks into crowstorm" or "dumbass noc, doesn't use spell shield" or "stupid annie, doesn't even land ult"

srs riot? wai u no maek veedeeo liek gaem?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
When I saw the cinematics when it was released, my first thought for every scene practically was something along the lines of "noob tf, walks into crowstorm" or "dumbass noc, doesn't use spell shield" or "stupid annie, doesn't even land ult"

srs riot? wai u no maek veedeeo liek gaem?

IKR? And gg Garen ults Kat, but Kat doesn't die >.>

And Tryndamere, that was more than 5 seconds xD
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
IKR? And gg Garen ults Kat, but Kat doesn't die >.>

And Tryndamere, that was more than 5 seconds xD

The question here is why Trynd didn't 1shot Baron.

I watched all of hao's youtube videos then proceeded to try his tryndamere strategy in a match.
I fed a Nasus

It still didnt stop me from wrecking face after I got statikk shiv. Went 15/4 and 2shot lux.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; May 31, 2013 at 10:26 AM.
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Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Scrolls up, EJM added up to my reply and you basically repeated what he said.

also dunkey posted another funneh vid;

[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg