That shocked me. I thought genja and him were the definitely the best eu bot lane, and close to best in the world behind madlife/pray and maybe (doublelift/wildturtle)/xpecial.
Not really sure why you said ''about that second statement''
A) Madlife has proven time and time again that he's the best support in the world
B) Doublelift/Xpecial took a dump and simply outplayed eu during the allstars. Yes, it was Yellowpete, but they looked amazing, even against china. I'm pretty sure that liftlift and xpecial could take genja/edward 6/10 of games if they played. Also, they won 2nd in the molten chamber thing, it's not exactly an indicator of pure skill, but still.
You should judge players by how they perform in actual tournaments with their teams, and not by what is effectively a jumped up solo-queue. The NA, KR and CHN Allstars each had over a week of bootcamping, which was unfortunately not possible for the EU and SEA teams. Russians can only spend 90 days a year working within the EU as they are not a member of the EU, and I think you'll find that pretty much all of that time will be used playing in LCS and IEM tournaments. Tournaments that actually matter.
I would agree that MadLife is a contender for top support (Mata, Lustboy, LoveLin and Fzzf are all up there), but I don't think PraY is even in the top 5 adcs in Korea. Have you watched OGN recently? Piglet, Cpt Jack, imp, Raven and Hermes are all on better form. As for Doublelft/Xpecial being stronger than Genja/Edward; well I guess we will never truly know as they will never meet, but as far as I am aware there have been at least 10 matches between GG and CLG/TSM, and GG are yet to lose a match to either of them. That says it all, really.
That shocked me. I thought genja and him were the definitely the best eu bot lane, and close to best in the world behind madlife/pray and maybe (doublelift/wildturtle)/xpecial.