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Rengar got nerfed to hell and back. I don't recommend you get him, yet. Voyboy mistakenly leaked that he'll be getting buffed; but there's no confirmed date on when that'll happen.
Rengar has a incredibly unique playstyle of high risk, incredible reward and is still quite playable. The changes that I've read from red posts will make him more flexible as in, empowered abilities will have a set damage based on level rather then the abilities skill level and they are giving Rengar more steroids to his ultimate and making it so that you get a warning when he ults and you are nearby him. It will be kinda like Warwick's blood scent where you know he has vision on you.
The changes look quite interesting and I hope they make him have a defined role like Assassin or Bruiser versus the bullshit when he was released (and buffed) when he was an AP burst mage bruiser with AD scaling Q and E and bullshit retarded heal that scaled off health and could escape from anything by pressing R.