Originally Posted by
>Left Gambit because Genja is too passive.
>Joins Curse to play with Cop.
I wonder how much they are paying him...
He never said Genja was too passive, he said they disagree'd on decisions, and were on seperate pages in the laning phase. They never meshed i guess.
I think Edward will do fine with cop. Sometimes elementz would fuck up and get into tough situations and cop would pull of surprising plays, but elementz was kinda... bad, so cop couldn't ever afford to go too aggressive.
Also, I really doubt they are making any more roster changes. Team chemistry would be very difficult after acquiring a completely new bot lane. They aren't gonna just pull in another Eu adc 1 week before lcs. 1 player is already enough, plus to my understanding, Hosan doesn't speak english (well)? Also, apparently edward has been working on it lately.
Last edited by sham; Jun 8, 2013 at 07:59 AM.