Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Which of the ones below do you thing is a good clan saying?
*slap* Could've had Juice!
1 Votes / 7.69%
Simply Juice.
0 Votes / 0%
Let me show you my Juice.
0 Votes / 0%
Please drink responsibly.
8 Votes / 61.54%
V9˝ FusionŽ.
0 Votes / 0%
110% Real.
4 Votes / 30.77%
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
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"I'll add one:

So, a little girl (she's 6) lives on the 13th floor. Everyday when she goes to school she goes to the lift and goes to the ground floor and walk to school. When she comes back she again goes to the lift and then she press the button with number 7 (it's floor number) and walk up to 13th floor via stairs.
Why ?
sry for any grammar errors"

I dont wanna post again in beginner sanc ..
DO you know how to disable that shadow which shows your next move ?
because I finished my first set (^^) and I want to take screenshots, but I can't with these shadows...
I finished my set
first one! ha!

can you rate? I also need a starting bid, raise, and autobuy if you could do that because I don't know how much it is worth.
It's pretty basic :V
If you're going to sell this I'd say: Starting Bid: 1k Min Raise: 500tc Autobuy: 15k
Sorry, but it's really really basic. It's almost like you used one texture for everything.
Maybe offer some different colors, like green, blue, yellow ect. if that's possible to make.

I really don't know much about textures, so I'm not the best person to ask everything.