@ 123urdead.
Sorry to hear about that, also. Sure, I normaly check the toribash forums alot, so send PM to me on times that would suit you. I will change my times to fit in trainings ^_^
@ Hotshot40.
Sure, I have yet to get a Judo Teacher. Im not very good at Judo though, I can do some stuff, but since I've started Aikido, I've gotten bad at Judo.
@ PhoenixWing.
Looking forward to your return. And I know, 3 weeks without talking. Would be pretty hellish. Good that you can still oversee progress from there though, minus the replays.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech
Taco: Your first replay was good, and had nice use of flow. But it did seem like a good amount of your movements were a bit jerky.
The second one was ok too. But it looked like you got most of your power from lowering your arm on some of your kicks.
Juicyfresh: Like i said on taco's first replay, but a little more jerky.
Graymaster: It was ok, but seemed a bit grabby and stiff.
Lesson 2: Momentum
A replay with momentum and a replay without momentum is like, normal and frosted mini wheats. Frosted mini wheats are nice, and delicious little bit sized munchies that are enjoyable to eat. While normal mini wheats are just... there.
In other words, a replay without momentum is just so damn pointless.
What is momentum?
Momentum gives off a sense of power to your hits. As well as helps with flow and boomhits.
If your kick is slow, then it is also weak, and boring. And will stop as soon as it hits, ruining yourr flow. But a fast and powerful kick, will blast right through uke, letting you continue your onslaught.
How do I use it?
Momentum is not as easy to achieve as flow.
In order to get momentum. You need to take advantage of every oppurtunity that you come by. Like using the floor, or uke to boost your kicks speed and power.
Watch the two replays below in order.
Notice how the first is good, but then seems to get a little worse after the second kick. See? Now the second. There, isn't that better. Right then, I used my knee to make myself spin faster and gain momentum for the kick, and then afterwards I was able to do a flip. Much better, isn't it?
Momentum takes time, So if you don't like spending a lot of time to make replays, then replay making just isn't for you.
That's it for today's lesson. So let's get crackin on those new replays!