Name (Real name):
Gmt: +1
Belt: Anonymous senpoo belt (Custom Belt)
Why do you want to join: Cause Duck Is a amazing clan and if i get rejected i have no regrets cause at least i applied to my Number 1 clan so that's something to tick off the bucket list if i do say so myself
Past Clans: Over Kill,Senpai,Kapow,Nitro,Uprising
Why did you leave your past clan?: I really honestly felt no love or fun in any of them
So i left
What can you offer? : My amazing Skills I can produce in Games and what not I don't mind if i'm not in wars but i would make a great addition to helping
Infraction/ban history (please be honest): I have been banned once i think it was because of maximum Infraction points I do believe I got 6 points
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: Why of course
Invited by some one?:
Special Skills?: I'm a great listener i have amazing advice to people If you need to talk i am there to be talked to all ears,aprt from that i like sorting situations arguments,flame wars etc...
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: hmmm Not much a joke guy but I'll try
Sp/mp replays:Ok