Belt: Black Belt
Country and timezone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
How active are you in-game (1-10): 9
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?: Before i made an application for [Ascend], i was in (Roman), but our leader disbanded the clan so i made a good choice to leave, sadly the Roman empire fell
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.):
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s): Aikido Related Mods, Shu Mods
What do you want to contribute to the clan?: Ranking Up and Help to Recruit and Do Whatever I can
Any bans/infractions?: Infractions for making a useless thread and post, but otherwise nothing serious
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?: Zephaxix, and Daniel0481
Anything you'd like to add?: I was promised an invite to the clan (I got in by recruitment), Zephaxix told me to make an application on here
Last edited by iPrime; Oct 18, 2015 at 06:57 AM.